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TaskWeaver: Revolutionizing Coding with Multi-Agent Architecture

Microsoft’s newly released TaskWeaver framework marks a significant advancement in coding, acting as an enhanced version of the existing AutoGen framework. Its ability to integrate within a multi-agent architecture allows for seamless collaboration with Autogen, broadening the possibilities for complex coding tasks.

Combining TaskWeaver with Autogen

The synergy between TaskWeaver and Autogen enables diverse applications, such as incorporating TaskWeaver as an agent within Autogen’s multi-agent system, or utilizing TaskWeaver-powered agents to interact with others via plugins.

Unique Features of TaskWeaver

  • Handling of rich data structures like Pandas DataFrames.
  • Easy encapsulation of functions into plugins, enhancing modularity.
  • Contextual memory and improved code verification capabilities.

Understanding TaskWeaver’s Components

TaskWeaver operates with three core components:

  1. Planner: Interacts with users, manages subtasks, and communicates results.
  2. Code Generator: Utilizes plugins to generate functional code.
  3. Code Executor: Executes and maintains the state of the code.

An intriguing aspect of TaskWeaver is its two-layer planning approach, providing insights into problem-solving methodologies.

Getting Started with TaskWeaver

Installation of TaskWeaver is straightforward, as outlined on its GitHub page. The setup process involves cloning the repository, configuring settings in Visual Studio Code, and installing necessary requirements.

Practical Application Example

A demonstration of TaskWeaver’s capabilities is shown through a simple example of forecasting stock prices using the ARIMA model, showcasing its internal processing and problem-solving approach.


Although still in its early stages, TaskWeaver’s potential, especially when combined with Autogen and enhanced by local LLMs, is immense. It represents a significant step forward in the automation and evolution of coding practices.

Stay tuned for more updates and tutorials on TaskWeaver.