TaskWeaver UI

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Exploring TaskWeaver UI: A User-Friendly Interface for Interactive Task Management

TaskWeaver UI revolutionizes how users interact with TaskWeaver, offering a user-friendly interface over the traditional command-line approach. This intuitive UI allows users to observe the planning and execution steps as TaskWeaver processes prompts, enhancing transparency and user experience.

Setting Up TaskWeaver UI

The installation process is straightforward:
  1. Clone and Navigate: Start by cloning the TaskWeaver repository. Then, navigate to the newly created folder.
  2. Open with Visual Studio Code: Launch Visual Studio Code from this folder.
  3. Check Requirements: Open the ‘requirement.txt’ file and ensure ‘chainlit’ is listed. If not, install it via pip, as it’s crucial for the UI.
  4. Virtual Environment Setup: In the terminal, create and activate a virtual environment. This step is vital for isolating the installation.
  5. Install Requirements: Install all requirements. This might take some time but is essential for proper functioning.
  6. Configuration: Open ‘taskweaver_config.json’ and input your OpenAI API Key.
  7. Navigate and Run: Go to the TaskWeaver UI in the ‘playground/UI’ subfolder and run it by typing ‘chainlit run app.py’. The UI operates on localhost port 8000.

Using TaskWeaver UI

Upon accessing localhost port 8000, the TaskWeaver UI is ready for action. For instance, entering “Is the current year a leap year?” initiates TaskWeaver’s process. The UI displays the planning and execution phases, including communication between TaskWeaver’s components.
  • Observing the Process: As TaskWeaver processes the query, users can follow the steps in the terminal.
  • Understanding the Steps: The process involves the planner creating a plan, the code interpreter executing the code, and then informing the planner of the outcome.
  • Getting Results: The planner then presents the answer – for example, confirming that 2023 is not a leap year.

Continued Interactions

TaskWeaver UI remembers the context, allowing for ongoing interactions. Asking a follow-up question like “When is the next leap year?” triggers a similar process, ultimately revealing that 2024 is the next leap year.

Under the Hood

Users can delve deeper into each step to understand TaskWeaver’s internal workings. This transparency is invaluable for users who wish to comprehend the underlying processes.

Early Stages and Resources

Currently in its early stages, TaskWeaver UI promises more advancements. For additional information, users are encouraged to visit TaskWeaver’s GitHub page, particularly the ‘playground/UI’ folder.


TaskWeaver UI is a significant leap forward in user-friendly task management, making the interaction with TaskWeaver more accessible and insightful. Whether you’re a new user or an experienced one, TaskWeaver UI simplifies the process, allowing for an efficient and engaging experience.